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Most of those who have experienced Edgewood State Hospital agree it was the most intriguing and impressive of the Long Island mental asylums. Some of the buildings belonging to the other large Long Island mental hospitals - Kings Park, and Pilgrim State - are still standing, but their future is unclear. Since Edgewood State Hospital was demolished in 1989, many urban explorers might have never seen it, or heard of it - and many are just discovering it.

Edgewood Hospital stood on Commack Road, in Deer Park. It's construction was completed by the US Army during World War 2. The Army used the complex during the war, naming it Mason General Hospital. After the war, the Army gave the Hospital back to the State, where it existed as part of Pilgrim State Psychiatric Center. Edgewood Hospital was vandalized mercilessly in the 70's and 80's, until it was finally demolished in 1989.

We hope to be successful in bringing together a community of both knowledgeable and curious people, who are interested in learning and preserving Edgewood's history. This is an interactive site, where members are encouraged to share their pictures, comments, and memories.

The site is expected to be a work in progress, as further research and visitor contribution help put the pieces of the puzzle together. All visitors have access to view the site, but if you want to add to it by uploading pictures or posting comments, you must be a registered member.